Become an appygrab driver
Deliver from local restaurants & businesses to local customers on demand.
Driver sign up
Sign up to drive and earn money with appygrab.
Deliver from local restaurants & businesses to local customers on demand.
Simply sign up, install the drivers app on your smart phone and your ready to go.
Delivery requirements
Car delivery
Minium age 18 years old
Required documents
1. EU/UK driver’s licence
- Front & Back
2. Bank statement or utility bill
- dated within past 3 months
4. Certificate of motor insurance
- Food delivery or hire and reward including food delivery
- Please contact us for advice and recommeded insurance companies
Scooter / Motorbike delivery
Minium age 18 years old
Required documents
1. EU/UK driver’s licence
- Front & Back
- CBT Provisonal licence
2. Bank statement or utility bill
- dated within past 3 months
4. Certificate of motor insurance
- Food delivery or hire and reward including food delivery
- Please contact us for advice and recommeded insurance companies
Bicycle / ebike delivery
Please note: eBikes must be approved to UK standard and not exceed 15.5 mph
Minimum age 18 years old
- Any form of photo ID; example, passport, college card, citizen card
- Bank statement or utility bill
- dated within past 3 months
- Insurance is not a requirement but highly recommended for fire & theft and public liability.
- To find out more please contact us, insure typically cost £7.00 per month
Find out more
Call our team to find out more